Two candidates for Algonquin-based Community School District 300 – school board Kristina Konstanty, left, and Laurie Parman – chat in line Monday, Dec. 12, 2022, the first day local candidates could file for the April election, at the McHenry County Administration Building in Woodstock. (Ryan Rayburn for Shaw Local)
Several school districts have more than half its boards up in April election
Kerri Johnson had one thing to say about her reason for running for her local school board: “Where do I begin?”
As a first-time candidate for Crystal Lake Elementary School District 47, Johnson said she’s concerned about the well-being of the district’s students and worries about the sexual education curriculum she thinks is being pushed by the state.
She was one of 47 candidates who filed Monday at the McHenry County Administration Building for 17 school districts’ boards, which are slated to have elections this coming April. Also on the ballot are seats on village boards, city councils, and fire protection, library and park boards.
The election is a pivotal one for many school districts, as a number of them have the majority of their boards up for reelection this year. The election will take place on April 4.